Sunday, August 10, 2014

All that is glitter E is not gold

Anyone who knows me can tell you I start thinking about my birthday as soon as the weather gets warm. On August 19th, I will be 29 years old. What used to be an event I planned for months, has turned into something that gives me anxiety. I know, I know...I'm still "young". Every year now, my birthday makes me evaluate my life. What have I done in my 29 years of life? Why am I not where I want to be? What is wrong with me? I should be married with at least 2 kids. I should own an adorable little starter family home. My job should be paying me tons of money and I should be debt free. Sadly, none of these things are true.

Instead, I face my 29th year with a world of unknown. I had to quit my job of 7 years to move on to my next chapter of student teaching. I have to come to the realization that I am not marrying the man I was planning my life with. When a doctor orders a test, I have no idea how I will get it taken care of with no health insurance. Owning a home and having a family seems like an unreachable, very far away, dream.

I don't know what this year will bring for me and that is terrifying. Anyone who has anxiety can relate to the fear of the unknown. And worse than the unknown, is the picture my mind can create of everything that can go wrong this year. I have a very active imagination.

This past year I've been on some horrible and wonderful dates but one really sticks out in my mind. When a guy asked me to drive to dinner, since he wasn't as familiar with the area, I gladly agreed. He got into my car and we were barely out of the driveway before he quickly turned my music off. When I asked him why he did that, he said... "Your music is too loud and it sounds like something a teenager would listen to. You're almost 30 years old, maybe you should start acting like it because that is very unattractive." I did what any mature "almost 30 year old" would do and I turned it up louder. Luckily, he said he was willing to still see me if I was willing to work on the things he did not like, one being loud music. Yes, this is a true story and no, I did not see him again.

The part that bothers me the most is what I did after this wonderful second date. I went home and cried. Maybe I do need to lower my music. Why am I doing this all wrong? Why didn't he like me? I cried for awhile and then realized...I really like my loud music. It makes me smile and dance and feel "teenagery" happy. I don't have a baby in the car or a sound system that is illegal so why can't I listen to my loud music? Well guess what sir, I can! I am very far from perfect and there are many things in my life that I am working on and trying to change. Music is not one of them and it does not need to be because someone else did not like it. I have to stop and ask myself "Am I okay with who I am and what I am doing?" If I am, who am I changing for?

I know I am jumping around a bit (focus is something I plan to work on in year 29) but, I recently had the amazing and awful task of telling children I work with that I am leaving my job. I am super excited to say that they are all ending services, which is a great thing and the goal for every child that receives mental health services. That means they are doing great and they don't need my help anymore. These are kids that I have worked with for 2, 3 and sometimes even more years! Naturally, they were anxious about the change (me too) so in typical weird Elizabeth fashion, I came up with a solution. I told my clients they would never have to worry because I would always be with them, literally...

Meet "Mini Miss Elizabeth"

The kids loved it and we all got a good laugh out of this hand-held version of me. After giving my last one away, I got in my car and was bummed that I had no mini-me left. This is SO typical of me. I realized this was so symbolic of a major problem I have in my life. I give all of myself away and don't have any Elizabeth available to take care of myself. I fought so hard to change that over the last year and I am writing this post to force myself back on track. My thoughts are out in the world and even if no one reads this, I know they are here. If I give all of my mini miss Elizabeths away who takes care of Elizabeth? The answer is no one. Sometimes the best thing you can do is be selfish and worry about yourself for a change. Only then can you truly help other people and be the best person you can be. So my first step of getting back on my glitter E track is going to focus on reframing my negative anxieties into positive hopefulness.

1. You lost 130 pounds this proud of yourself.
2. Loud music and dancing makes you it as often as possible.
3. You helped a lot of children and their families in the past 7 years and you are going to help more.
4. You are moving on because you are getting your Master's degree and bettering yourself.
5. The life you planned is different now...maybe different can mean better.
6. You have no money because you're in grad that it will all work out.
7. Having a family will be so amazing because I have been waiting for the perfect one!
8. Everything is happening for a reason and embrace this exciting change with positivity.
9. Continue trying to be the best person you can be daily in every decision you make.
10. Save some mini Miss Elizabeth to make sure you are taking care of yourself.
11. Continue focusing on your health and happiness in balance with helping others.
12. Imagine how glitter E that first grade class will be by Christmas time!!!!

I hope anyone who reads this will take the time to reframe some of your anxiety into hope. Only 9 more days until my 29th birthday! I'm going to go do something for myself to continue celebrating 28! Love you all <3 E

Friday, April 18, 2014

Glitter and... Dirt?

A couple of weeks ago, I went to the post office. Exciting, I know! I had all of my boxes packed up, taped, labeled, and ready to go. I'm not going to lie, I was pretty impressed with myself. After being in the post office for about 2 minutes, I was told I had all the wrong boxes and labels and would have to cut apart the boxes to fix it. Needless to say, I was frustrated and slightly embarrassed. 

I was friendly and talkative during my extended visit to the post office, so I guess the man (who was not helping me) thought he could start cracking jokes about my intelligence level. Well, I laugh at myself often and the first few were okay. As it continued, he said something of course about being blonde (that's everyones favorite) and then he said I definitely wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. It was then that I decided to respond with, "I may not be the best at packing boxes to send, but I am sharp in some areas." 

The sweetest woman (who was helping me) looked right at me and said, "don't do that." She then went on to say, "you know who you are and you don't ever need to explain yourself to some jerk." That jerk happened to be her co-worker and I was slightly shocked. I thought about this for the rest of the day and even weeks later. She was so right and I was thankful to have messed those boxes up because it was absolutely something I needed to hear. 

Most of you know, I have been attempting to train for a tough mudder in June. I recently met someone who had completed a couple of spartan races and lived to tell about it. He, in a very kind way, told me that I needed to be okay with getting dirty, bruised, and bloody to finish the race. This terrified me and I really wondered if that was something I could do. After thinking about it the next few days...I decided to test myself. Here's how it went...

My serious wood pile...I really carried all that!

So, I learned two things today...

1. Apparently I like to make a claw hand /angry face combo to show I did something strong.

2. If you don't think you can do something, just try it. If someone else thinks you can't do something, try harder and prove them wrong.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Happy Easter week!


Yay it's Easter week! These are very simple Easter decorations to make! The bunny was obviously bought, but filling his basket with jelly beans made him the perfect center piece on an Easter table! 

The next is my jellybean topiary! This is definitely time consuming, but very easy. I chose to get pastel jelly beans because I thought they were cuter, but any will work! And then I got a styrofoam topiary shape (Michaels or AC Moore) and just started hot gluing! If you can find a fun candle holder that's a perfect base for your jelly bean tree but not necessary! 

The last is my favorite! I made tiny cracks at the top of the egg and then poured the egg into a bowl. I then rinsed the shells out with vinegar! Don't worry if the top is cracked looking, that adds character! I then found cute egg holders from crate & barrel and set the eggs in there to dry. Lastly, I put a little soil (with a spoon) in the egg half way. Then I stuck a pretty little flower in and filled the rest of the egg up with soil and a few drops of water... And there you go! They were a super cute place setting for each Easter guest! You will be amazed how long they last! Have fun and DIY for Easter this year! 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014

I said yes!!!

In less than two hours Valentine's day is over and I have a whole year to try again! :) I definitely will be celebrating other loves this year. My bestie since second grade is getting married! Jess wrote me the sweetest note, asking me to be her bridesmaid. I've never been a bridesmaid before and cannot wait to be there on the happiest day of a best friend's, of over 20 years, life! Absolutely love, love, love my girls! Is this not the cutest card you have ever seen?? Perfect. I love you, Jess! Can't wait to be your bridesmaid! <3 Lee

Who who do you love? Owl love you!

           Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! I will admit I have absolutely been dreading today. I LOVE Valentine's Day, like most holidays. I am pretty sure I am that girl that every guy would hate to be dating on February 14th. I have ridiculously unrealistic expectations on the amount of adoration I should receive on this day...admitting it is the first step right? My valentine's day usually ends in tears. On previous February 13th days, I had lost 2 people who were very special to me and I loved very much. So, I usually ignore all that sadness...assume it can be fixed with some v-day love and then blame the guy for not making that happen. I will say, in my defense, I always realize this and end up apologizing...but it still happens.
           Well, today marks the first Valentine's Day I have been a truly single girl since 2006. That is 8 years! I stayed up and actually watched the clock hit midnight last night. Crazy, but true. When nothing really happened, I just went to sleep. Today, I have not yet cried. I am realistic about this though and know I still have 10 hours left for that to happen.  While I want nothing more than to have the romantic Valentine's Day all of you should be having, it is just not my year for it and I think I will make it through the day. I am going to turn the music ALL the way up...get my car out of this snow...and show myself some love and go to the gym.

I am wearing pink though, of course!

I am deciding to take stock of ALL the amazing love I have in my life. I am a really lucky girl this Valentine's Day. Love is love, even if it isn't the traditional Valentine love. I love each and every one of you. I am loving this journey of loving myself. And I absolutely love, that this year, I will forgive myself if I cry and start over again tomorrow. 

Surprisingly enough, I woke up to several Valentine's kisses. 

I'm not always thrilled to receive all the morning kisses given! 

Embrace ALL the love you have in your life today! If you're single, engaged, in love, married, or heartbroken...know that you are loved today. Always make sure to show yourself some love! Get up and do something you love! Seriously. Do it, now!
<3 your Glitter E single lady Valentine

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Expensive hair...Trying not to care

One thing I have been trying to do more of is style my hair... It's so much easier to throw it up in a ponytail! Over the past few weeks I've managed to wear my hair down a couple of times and no one recognized me! I even had trouble getting buzzed into a school I have been working in for the past two years. 
          So, I'm back to thinking about hair and makeup and was thrilled to get some hair love today. Find an amazing hair stylist and ask questions! I adore my stylist and have made more of an effort to go see him lately. He taught me how to curl my hair in big waves and I'm excited to try it. I was feeling very guilty when I left the salon today because we all know most amazing stylists don't come cheap. 
           I realized that some things, for me, are just worth it. Save money in some areas and treat yourself to the things that make you happy... My hair was expensive and some of the makeup I'm wearing in this picture was also very expensive. However, most of the makeup was actually very inexpensive and hopefully you can't tell the difference! Stay tuned and I'll let you know some tricks I use to save money on makeup without sacrificing your cute look! Thanks for reading  <3 E

Monday, January 20, 2014

My glitter track

I am so excited to be making my first post! There are so many reasons I wanted to create this website. I love doing event makeup and I definitely love throwing parties! The more I thought about which direction I wanted to take this, the more confused I got.  Should I write about kids with Autism? My makeup and party business?  Just post pictures of work I've done? Well... I have finally decided! A few years ago, for many reasons, I stopped doing the things that made me happy. In June, I looked in the mirror and realized I was 27, unhappy, and unhealthy. Things needed to change and that is something I have always resisted. On this website, I want to focus on all the things that bring me happiness. Maybe some of those things will inspire you! I got a lot of comments about the name of my website...some sweet, some funny, and some negative. My life truly lost its glitter... And I'm bringing it back! I hope you embrace every chance you get to make your life a little more glitter E!

Here's the first step I took to get back on my glitter track!

I've lost about 90 pounds... and I'm still working on it!

I cannot wait to start doing and showing you all the things I used to do that made me happy. Thanks for reading this far, I hope you enjoy! -E