Friday, February 14, 2014

Who who do you love? Owl love you!

           Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! I will admit I have absolutely been dreading today. I LOVE Valentine's Day, like most holidays. I am pretty sure I am that girl that every guy would hate to be dating on February 14th. I have ridiculously unrealistic expectations on the amount of adoration I should receive on this day...admitting it is the first step right? My valentine's day usually ends in tears. On previous February 13th days, I had lost 2 people who were very special to me and I loved very much. So, I usually ignore all that sadness...assume it can be fixed with some v-day love and then blame the guy for not making that happen. I will say, in my defense, I always realize this and end up apologizing...but it still happens.
           Well, today marks the first Valentine's Day I have been a truly single girl since 2006. That is 8 years! I stayed up and actually watched the clock hit midnight last night. Crazy, but true. When nothing really happened, I just went to sleep. Today, I have not yet cried. I am realistic about this though and know I still have 10 hours left for that to happen.  While I want nothing more than to have the romantic Valentine's Day all of you should be having, it is just not my year for it and I think I will make it through the day. I am going to turn the music ALL the way up...get my car out of this snow...and show myself some love and go to the gym.

I am wearing pink though, of course!

I am deciding to take stock of ALL the amazing love I have in my life. I am a really lucky girl this Valentine's Day. Love is love, even if it isn't the traditional Valentine love. I love each and every one of you. I am loving this journey of loving myself. And I absolutely love, that this year, I will forgive myself if I cry and start over again tomorrow. 

Surprisingly enough, I woke up to several Valentine's kisses. 

I'm not always thrilled to receive all the morning kisses given! 

Embrace ALL the love you have in your life today! If you're single, engaged, in love, married, or heartbroken...know that you are loved today. Always make sure to show yourself some love! Get up and do something you love! Seriously. Do it, now!
<3 your Glitter E single lady Valentine

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